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Volunteer Expectations & Guidelines

Waiver of Liability

By creating a Volunteer Hub account and registering as a volunteer, you and your parent/guardian agree to all terms in the Waiver of Liability that can be reviewed by clicking here.

Attendance & Volunteer Community Service Hours

  • Sign in and out on Volunteer Hub, Suncoast Science Center/Faulhaber Fab Lab’s time tracking software, for each shift of volunteering, training and meetings. You can do so using the iPad near the Volunteer Station.
  • Always arrive on time for assignments and meetings. Volunteers may not arrive later than 15 minutes after their scheduled volunteer shift begins and leave no earlier than 15 minutes before their scheduled shift ends unless agreed upon with staff. Volunteers not adhering to this policy will be subject to the consequences outlined in the Three Strikes Policy below.
  • Volunteers may spend time at the lab after their shift (within reason) but should always log out unless working on a program related task or project. Community service hours will not be provided for pre- or post-shift socializing.
  • Allowed volunteer absences vary depending on program involvement and are subject to program-specific policies.
  • In cases of a volunteer being late or unable to attend a shift, the volunteer is responsible for contacting a staff member by Discord, email or phone prior to occurrence. If a volunteer does not show up for two assigned shifts without notification, their account will be deactivated, and they will be unable to sign up for future shifts.
  • Unlogged volunteer hours should be reported to Fab Lab staff within 14 days after they were acquired or credit will not be given.
  • Volunteer hours may be provided for at-home volunteer service when agreed upon with staff. These hours should be reported to staff promptly so they can be logged in VolunteerHub.

Dress Code

As a volunteer, you are a representative of the Fab Lab and should dress accordingly. Volunteers should wear clothes they are fine with staining or damaging, as spills and accidents do happen. The Fab Lab provides protective apparel for painting or other activities upon request. The following is an additional list of dress code rules that volunteers should adhere to:

  1. Volunteers must wear Fab Lab volunteer shirt while volunteering. Volunteer shirt is not required to be worn during committee meetings unless requested by Fab Lab staff. 
  2. Shoes must be closed toed with a secure back. Volunteers will not be permitted entry to the lab with open-toed shoes. (Crocs are not considered close-toed).
  3. Loose clothing should not be worn around any machines with moving parts.
  4. Long hair should be tied back around machines.
  5. Dangling jewelry or accessories should not be worn around machines.
  6. Tops must not be low-cut and must have straps connecting the front and back of the top.
  7. Jeans or pants must not have excessively large holes.
  8. No excessively short skirts, shorts, or dresses.
  9. No pajamas are allowed (unless given express permission).
  10. Any badge or lanyard should be tucked securely into a backpack or pocket. LANYARDS SHOULD NEVER BE DANGLING FROM YOUR BODY OR POCKET as it becomes a serious safety hazard in the lab.

Machine Use

Volunteers must not use equipment/machinery without the supervision of Lab Manager or Fab Lab staff unless the volunteer is certified or is accompanied by a certified volunteer. Additional machine and safety rules will be provided during training.


Volunteers should treat everyone with kindness and respect, always keep their hands to themselves, use courteous and appropriate language, and exhibit a positive attitude while volunteering and/or while in the lab for any other reason. Inappropriate or discriminatory behavior or comments made to other volunteers, staff, visitors, student participants or members will not be tolerated and are subject to the Fab Lab’s Volunteer Three Strike Policy.

Volunteer Three Strike Policy

  1. Warning: The Fab Lab understands that people make mistakes and have momentary lapses in judgment. Therefore, for the first infraction, the volunteer will be issued a verbal warning, and no further action is necessary.

  2. Removal of Points: For the second infraction, “points” will be deducted from the volunteer’s account on VolunteerHub, ranging from 50 to 200 points based on the nature and context of the infraction.

  3. Suspension from Program/Machines: For the third infraction, the student will be suspended from participating in their current program(s) for a length of time determined by Fab Lab staff. Alternatively, the student may be suspended from using any machines owned or operated by the Fab Lab.

If the infraction is of a severe and irreparable nature, further steps may be taken to ensure that it will not happen again. Any steps within the consequence path may be skipped at the discretion of the Fab Lab staff. Infractions and their consequences are recorded by the Fab Lab admin for data analysis and other applications.

Media Release

By volunteering with the Fab Lab, you agree to allow the organization to take and publish photos/videos of you for recruitment and/or marketing purposes.

Volunteer NDA Policy

All Volunteers of The Citizen Scientists League, Inc. dba: Suncoast Science Center (SSC) shall hold and maintain all information on behalf of membership in the strictest confidence and are not permitted to and are exempt from signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or Confidentiality Agreement (CA) if requested by a SSC member or their Attorney. The role of SSC Volunteer, when necessary, may include instructing or guiding members in the use of lab equipment, software, machines and tools. All Volunteers are not to engage in recommending or advising about how to specifically prototype, create, or design personal or business-related projects that may be considered marketable products.

Suncoast Science Center
4452 S Beneva Road
Sarasota Florida 34233

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